Battles abound ... we fight men, we fight our neighbour, we fight ourselves, we fight sadness, we fight anger, we fight depression, we fight for space, we fight those other people ...
Battles abound ... we fight men, we fight our neighbour, we fight ourselves, we fight sadness, we fight anger, we fight depression, we fight for space, we fight those other people ... those ones over there who are different ... it is what we are taught, it is what we believe ...
It goes against the grain to move in close.
And yet if we move in close, really close ... closer to our pain, closer to our neighbour, closer to this moment ... we realise that this is where the battle ceases.
Here. Here.
This is where our suffering can come to an end. This is where we realise that the ultimate reality is the ultimate closeness.
This ultimate intimacy with everything ...
No separation.