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What's awakening really like?

What's enlightenment really like?

What's life like

when the spiritual search is over?


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20 international contributors,

who are ordinary people

rather than spiritual gurus or teachers.

Reflections on life, death, spiritual teachers, meditation, emotions, motivation, therapy, sex, humor, money, creativity, God, parenting, suffering, how to awaken, and much more.

In one sense awakening (or an awakening experience) answers many questions the ‘seeker’ may have had about the nature of our spiritual identity, in another it is just the beginning. Many of the great sages took years to integrate, understand and deepen into abiding (24/7) realization or enlightenment. On our own, with little or no support or understanding from family, friends or society, this process can be disorienting. Additionally, the layers and subtleties of the 'egoic' contraction can take may years to be seen through and wind down. This book is a profound companion and friend along the way ...

What’s awakening really like in a world of supermarkets, messy relationships, work and global challenges?


So often our only accounts of life after awakening come from spiritual teachers or gurus. This book shines an intimate light into the lives of 20 ordinary people from all over the world who have awoken to their True Nature. They are musicians, office workers, comedians, mail carriers, mentors, students, artists and writers. They share their reflections on life, death, spiritual teachers, meditation, emotions, motivation, therapy, sex, humor, money, creativity, God, parenting, suffering and more.


Are you curious about enlightenment and would you like to know more?

Do you think enlightenment is unobtainable or only for the chosen few?

Have you recently awoken to your True Nature and now feel disoriented or alone?

Would you welcome some company and context as you walk your first steps on this new terrain?


If you want to know what life after the end of the spiritual search is really like,

then read What’s Awakening Really Like?

(from the back cover)

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A beautiful book to drop into. Over 320 pages of reflections, discussion, photography and poetry.

Leaf Wreath

This is the book I wish I could have read when I first started out on the spiritual journey.


This is the book I wish I could have read when I first awakened.

This is the book I wish I could have read when I longed to talk with other people who had awoken to their true nature.

So often I wanted to know how ordinary people were living their awakening. So often I wanted to know what a down-to-earth spirituality really looked like.


There were already accounts written by spiritual teachers or gurus. They often seemed magical and other-worldly.

There was nothing about life lived in ordinary suburbia. Nothing about going to supermarkets and visiting family for Christmas. Nothing from those who didn't want to become spiritual teachers.


So now I've put together that book myself ... with 20 very different people (including myself) from all around the globe.

This is what awakening is really like ...

Reviews ...

While the experience of living as vastness is certainly extraordinary, it is also simply extra ordinary.  It is truly a waking up to something supremely basic and absolutely fundamental. This shift is open to everyone, including those who may never desire to don the mantle of spiritual teacher. This book is a wonderful window into just those people, an anthropological account of the Boundless as it wends its way through the nooks and crannies of the everyday. I invite you to read this book and see if it tunes you into the bread crumbs of that which has cleverly been hidden everywhere in plain sight.”

Ishtar Howell, Ishaya monk, gardener and meditation teacher,

When your journey to spiritual awakening has taken you to a place you don't know, read this book. You are not alone in this. In the book, you will find good company in the open, honest, and sometimes disillusioning reports about what happens when parts or the whole idea of a self falls away. A book that is very needed to give some orientation about what happens on the way to awakening and how to deal with it.”

Dr Christiane Michelberger, Finding Awakening,

A profound offering from everyday people who share their individual experiences of spiritual awakening. This book is a beautiful gift to those on the awakening path; one can often feel alone and misunderstood on the journey back home.”

Kimberlie, Conscious Living Jewel,


This book is a treasure in the way it shows awakening is possible for everyone. It is a book written by people in everyday walks of life. It offers a window into experiences of Transcendence and the journey to Immanence, as True Nature reveals itself appearing in the world as everyone and everything. This book’s arrival is poignant, as the therapeutic inner journey, which so many people find themselves now on, can lead to awakening. These stories are a jewel of insight and lived experience for those unfolding beyond their history, conditioning, identity and outgrowing the cocoon of egoic life.”

Elica Lorde-Syzygy, Transpersonal Psychotherapist,

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Photo by Maureen.

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Photo by Silvia.

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Leaf Wreath



All material, paintings, photos and writing on this site are Copyright © Marianne Broug 2022

It is an offence to reproduce any material on this site for commercial purposes. As a courtesy, for other than commercial purposes, use of my work can be requested. See contact page.  Thank you.



The author of this site will not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature occasioned to or suffered by any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of reliance on the material contained on this web site. This site was written to compassionately inform its readers. While the reflections and suggestions in this site may work well for some people, they may not be appropriate for you. Contact your physician or mental health professional first. Neither the author of this site nor any associate shall be liable or responsible to any person or entity for any loss, damage, injury, or ailment caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly, by the information or lack of information contained in this site.

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