Metamorphosis (detail)
The slide show that follows is a collection of quotes and poems I have collected over the years. Some I have stuck up on my noticeboard to read when I have once again felt lost, detached or alienated from a deeper sense of self, or am once again following someone else's path or someone else's bidding. Although the journey may be hard at times, we have everything inside ourselves, we were never detached from our own deepest knowing, we are not separate from our true self. We are not 'wrong'. We truly are spirit in flesh.
You darkness from which I come,
I love you more than all the fires
that fence out the world,
for the fire makes a circle
for everyone
so that no one sees you anymore.
But darkness holds it all:
the shape and the flame,
the animal and myself,
how it holds them,
all powers, all sight —
and it is possible: its great strength
is breaking into my body.
I have faith in the night.
Rainer Maria Rilke (translated by David Whyte)