The Truth of what we are – indescribable wholeness, radiant emptiness, Consciousness – is not a mathematical equation. In spirituality one plus one does not equal two.

I’ve been noticing a number of teachers who teach a spirituality that embraces ‘our humanity’. This sounds like a great thing, particularly when it is in response to a spirituality that seems to have lost its ‘humanity’ in a void that is cold-hearted, nihilistic, robotic, righteous and harsh.
But I am wondering whether it misses the point ...
If many seem to have stopped their trajectory of spiritual opening in a void that lacks compassion or love, I’m not so sure that this a signal that we should try to add those back in.
The Truth of what we are – indescribable wholeness, radiant emptiness, Consciousness – is not a mathematical equation. In spirituality one plus one does not equal two. Adding ‘humanity’ back in to address or react against a heartless nihilism can never create a ‘perfect’, ‘whole’ or ‘final’ spirituality that reflects the Truth of what we are. It can only ever create someone’s idea of what that might be.
The Truth of what we are doesn’t need any help. It doesn’t need for us to make it better by adding or keeping ‘humanity’ in the picture. The Truth is already whole and complete … the Truth already includes everything. This effulgent stillness, this open cognizant essence, this spacious emptiness, does not need to be touched up. It does not need to look more acceptable or pretty or even more ‘human’. It can be left entirely alone.
It is with the dissolution of the self-centred egoic contraction or view, that the fullest qualities of our True Nature (selfless love, compassion, clarity, kindness etc ) SPONTANEOUSLY and naturally begin to shine through. They don’t need to be added back in. They are quite simply the fullest and deepest expression of what we already ARE.